WordPress SEO Setup 101

WordPress is a great blogging tool, and if you’re looking to an easy route to SEO, even the basic install of WordPress will get you half-way there. Set up correctly, WordPress is ideal for SEO as it puts your keywords in good positions and has lots of options for...

Conquer SEO by Conquering Social Media

Your search engine optimisation strategies can be helped immeasurably by making an effort with your company’s social marketing. The more you understand about social media outlets like Digg, Yelp, del.icio.us, Facebook and more, the better for you SEO performance....

65% of online adults use social networking sites

Looking at usage on a typical day, 43% of online adults use social networking, up from 38% a year ago and just 13% in 2008. Out of all the “daily” online activities that we ask about, only email (which 61% of internet users access on a typical day) and search engines...

How to Make Facebook a Useful SEO Tool

ONLINE MARKETING Social media and SEO are more intertwined than ever before; just look at the creation of the latest social network, Google+. Google, the undisputed king of search, is making a viable attempt at entering into the realm of social media, solidly owned by...

What is Google Panda?

Panda is a new search algorithm from Google designed to improve search return quality for users by filtering for better quality matches. Google cited that the core focus of Panda (AKA the Farmer update) was to target content farms, which were making money selling ads...

Preparing for Your SEO Consultation

Maybe you’re looking to handle the SEO for your website in-house, but none of your current employees (including you) have any real background in SEO. Since you may not have the available budget to commit to hiring an SEO agency full-time, you decide to start with an...